Learn how SureSoft’s Tag Mining Suite™ can help your organization:
- Tag complex drawings and documents accurately in only milliseconds
- Reduced document-search times
- Drastically increase precision of search results
- Meet OSHA regulations, saving hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines
- Increase collaboration and productivity
- Reduce waste and unnecessary redundancies
Start harnessing your data like never before. Contact us now at (801) 223-9359.
SureSoft Tag Mining Suite™ (TMS) enables organizations to leverage information on their most critical and costly assets that search engines alone fail to provide. These important assets are often named with some type of taxonomy or identification serialization. Due to their complexity, the information is often broken up with dashes, or displayed in pieces. TMS corrects the problems around gathering this information from a variety of formats. The information is identified, categorized, and then supplied to the desired repository. The benefit is better search results from the search technology already implemented. What does it all mean? Information workers can find all the documents surrounding key assets. No matter how advanced, or how simple your organization’s ability to gather information, TMS can seamlessly integrate or function as a standalone technology.
Is Full-Text Search Sufficient? |
Ever wonder why there are so many Full-Text Search technologies? When the information is unstructured, spread across several formats, and specialized for many different purposes, no one technology will do everything needed. Each product has a different emphasis. All of the Full-Text Search engines share one common aim: they specialize and focus on words, mostly those found in a dictionary. The type of information that TMS gathers are tags identifying important assets. These tags come in all different forms, and are often displayed in macro form, or separated in pieces. Full-Text Search, because of its primary focus, does not process this type of information suitable to its needs, and this is what TMS specializes in doing. Without TMS, the search technologies return incomplete search results. How much damage can that cause your organization?
Enjoy The TMS Benefit |
Stop the wondering. Eliminate the risk and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your organization can find all of the information on its most important assets. How will TMS work on data in your organization? The key is configuration. TMS has a very powerful engine that utilizes a flexible meta-language that can perfectly describe your data, your tags, your needs. It does not matter if your document has 2 tags or 500 tags, they are extracted from megabytes of information in milliseconds.